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Administrative Team

Toni Ortega, is the assistant principal of Krause Elementary. She has 32 years of experience in teaching, learning, and leading in Brenham ISD. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Sam Houston State University and master’s degree from Lamar University. Mrs. Ortega was a teacher at Brenham Intermediate School and Alton Elementary, and she is also the founding teacher of Challenging Scientific Investigations (CSI) Gifted & Talented program. Mrs. Ortega also opened the Brenham Early Childhood Learning Center as the principal and was at one time the assistant principal of Alton Elementary.


Toni Ortega


Phone: 979-277-3860


Legal Requirement

Under the requirements of Senate Bill 107, 84th legislature, TEC 37.0012, each campus must have a staff person designated as the Campus Behavior Coordinator. The person designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal. 

Toni Schwartz, Assistant Principal

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