Toni Ortega, is the assistant principal of Krause Elementary. She has 32 years of experience in teaching, learning, and leading in Brenham ISD. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Sam Houston State University and master’s degree from Lamar University. Mrs. Ortega was a teacher at Brenham Intermediate School and Alton Elementary, and she is also the founding teacher of Challenging Scientific Investigations (CSI) Gifted & Talented program. Mrs. Ortega also opened the Brenham Early Childhood Learning Center as the principal and was at one time the assistant principal of Alton Elementary.
Toni Ortega
Phone: 979-277-3860
Legal Requirement
Under the requirements of Senate Bill 107, 84th legislature, TEC 37.0012, each campus must have a staff person designated as the Campus Behavior Coordinator. The person designated may be the principal of the campus or any other campus administrator selected by the principal.